All siding on this house is installed using rain screen technique. This technique allows for full ventilation behind the siding from top to bottom which prevents rot, mold and mildew from occurring. Forethought is necessary to properly employ this technique and proper flashing around all openings is paramount.
The owner’s selected a sustainable siding material from Louisiana Pacific called SmartSide siding. This material is an engineered wood material similar to OSB (oriented strand board) commonly used in structural applications. The material comes pre-finished and is available in a variety of colors. The finish is very durable and raw/cut surfaces must be coated with protective paint available from LP. Gaps must also be caulked with an approved sealant to prevent moisture from penetrating the surface. The finished appearance is neat and clean looking and the installation time is the same or faster than with other siding materials. Various other styles of material are also available from the manufacturer for trim, soffit (vented and solid) and corner board applications.
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